Our aims

Our mission is to give everyone across Tendring and North East Essex, access to therapy who requires a little support, without cost barriers nor waiting lists.

We provide cohesive and effective support to struggling children, young people, families and adults through a variety of tailored, therapeutic interventions.

Educational workshops

Our children and family workshops include (but are not limited to), conflict resolution, confident communication and understanding anxiety and depression. 

Using our background and experience, we can create bespoke workshops to specifically align to an identified need.

Get in touch to find out more.


If the families and children we work with understand the link between physical wellbeing and mental health issues, they will be more empowered to facilitate change through our tailored support and interventions.


We offer unique intervention services with many not available on the NHS.

Get in touch to find out more.


Community is the family that goes beyond family. It is the people and places that we come in contact with each day. In strengthening communities, we strengthen individuals.


Our team brings experience and expertise but our network and wider community allows us to enhance personalised support to all.

Our services

Our services have evolved from a very successful Psychotherapy service within schools, to a portfolio of interventions that support:

  • Children & Young People
  • Looked After Children
  • Families
  • Adults
  • Couples
  • Marginalised Communities


Following support from the National Lottery through an 'Awards for All' grant, we are also able to provide FREE self-harm and suicide prevention training.


We also provide support to: 

  • Male Mental Health
  • Non-binary
  • LGBTQ+ community
  • Those in later life


We firmly believe no two people are the same and take great pride in our ability to listen, understand and shape solutions to each and every individual. 


Tendring Wellbeing and Intervention Services can also provide bespoke training for your organisation from Conflict Resolution, Managing Stress, Mental Health First Aid, Motivation, Safeguarding and Time Management skills.

We are accredited With The CPD Group - CPD Provider Number #779416

Beyond training, we are also able to deliver key note talks to community groups, clubs and organisations around a variety of Mental Health and Wellbeing topics.


Get in touch today and let's explore how we can assist through our specialist and tailored interventions.


Our service is supported by CVST, Community 360, The National Lottery Community Fund and fundraising by our volunteers.

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